GuestHeart Hospitality CRM

What is GuestHeart for Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

GuestHeart is an integrated CRM solution for hotel chains that posses a great amount of guest information and data.

Activities of getting to know your guests, learning about their behavior and finding new guests are in the centre of the GuestHeart CRM. GuestHeart is a solution based on the leading Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and includes features such as E-mail marketing, Call Centre, Loyalty Program and Business Intelligence.

The features stated above drive better business results while automatization of business processes saves time and improves work efficiency.

The GuestHeart is an affordable solution with rich hospitality feature set. Also, the solution does not require a separate infrastructure since it can be accesses through Internet, PMS, outlook or mobile application. It means significant savings, faster implementation and easier feature adjustment.

Case Study Guestheart hospitality CRM


Our consultants lead you through the process of implementation and training, they provide full-time support and enable continuous process execution in order to improve your business processes.